Clean- In- Place (CIP) Questions for PD Pumps
As a Waukesha Positive Displacement Pump supplier, we get many questions with regards to Clean In Place (CIP) applications. Waukesha’s older Universal One pump was designed for ease of disassembly to achieve cleaning, while the newer Universal Two pump was designed for Clean In Place technology.
The newer design of the Universal 2 model allows customers to achieve proper cleaning in their system without the delays of disassembly and re-assembly of their PD pumps. Less labor time, fewer errors in re-assembly and less damaged pump parts are all advantages of using the CIP cable Universal 2 pump design.
Holland Applied Technologies can help engineer a properly designed system around the PD pump that you choose. Some of the factors that customers need to keep in mind with PD pump applications are:
- Pump relief
- Cleaning of process lines after the pump
- Cleaning of the pump itself.
Flows and velocities in the pump and in process lines downstream of the PD pump need to be considered to achieve proper cleaning. We can help determine flow rates needed and bypass configurations to allow for both relief and CIP backpressure into the pump. Below is one possible bypass configuration that can be used with No “Dead Leg” where product may be contained.
Please contact us at Holland Applied Technologies for more information about Waukesha PD pumps and piping configurations around them. Ph 800-800-8464