Improving Efficiencies of Homogenizers & Microfluidizers
This article will explain some of the most common problems and solutions when using a Homogenizer or Microfluidizer. At Holland Applied Technologies, we want our customers to have the best possible efficient process. While we provide individual equipment pieces to the food/beverage, pharma/biotech, and personal care markets; we often work with our customers to add other pieces and system technologies in order to improve their process.
Entrained Air
One of the largest problems we encounter when speaking with customers using Homogenizers or Microfluidizers is entrained air. The product they are trying to run through either type of unit has entrained air in the liquid which makes it difficult to process. In either case, the Homogenizer or Microfluidizer, the air causes cavitation in the unit and disrupts the impingement or shear that is supposed to happen inside the machine. Many times customers will increase the speed on their tank agitator in order to incorporate powders into the liquid. The high speed of the agitator causes a vortex near the impeller pulling air into the product at the same time the powder is trying to mix.
Unmixed or Improperly Mixed Incoming Solution
Sometimes customers call to ask why their product on a specific batch looked different or “wasn’t like the usual batches”. They may find that the incoming liquid that they are pumping to the Homogenizer or Microfluidizer may not be thoroughly mixed or powders were not incorporated properly. There are better ways to incorporate powder than just dumping bags into the top of the tank. Quadro Z series mixers and DTL blenders can be used to incorporate powders without having to dump bags directly in to the tank and without the possibility of the powders going directly to the bottom thus causing a solid “Slug” of unmixed powder at the bottom of the tank. Shear pumps, colloid mills and other inline mixers are examples of components we can use to deagglomerate or disperse solids in a repeatable manner for better overall efficiencies and product quality outcome from the Homogenizer or Microfluidizer.
Customers will call us to say “My unit is knocking loudly, Please help!” Holland Applied Technologies’ service or technical engineers can evaluate and service the components that we sell. We have some customers that unfortunately do not provide enough flow rate to the Homogenizer or Microfluidizer. We have seen powders fall out of suspension and partially block the pipe leading to the units or pumps may not be sized properly to give more than enough flow to the unit. When using a positive displacement pump pushing to a homogenizer, customers should have about 15% extra fluid flowing through a bypass line going back to the tank or inlet of the pump. Very seldom can you use a VFD to zero in on the same flow rate you are pushing to the homogenizer. Centrifugal pumps can be used going to homogenizers since extra product will actually “spin” inside the casing with no damage to the homogenizer or pump.
Holland Applied Technologies has the process knowledge to work with our customers on a System Wide Basis. We can help with individual components but if you need the expertise in the system design we can provide that as well. Getting rid of Entrained Air, Improperly Mixed Solutions and Cavitation will definitely help a customer’s efficiency. We look forward to helping you improve your throughput efficiencies and overall product quality.