Having Trouble with Wore Rotor Nuts?

July 3, 2012

All Waukesha PD pumps have rotor nuts to lock the rotors in place.  Have you seen wear on your rotor nuts

Wore Waukesha Rotor Nuts

Scared Rotor Nuts Can Be a Source of Corrosion

from using standard sockets? The iron from standard sockets can be imparted on the rotor nuts during removal, resulting in metal surface marring and rust. After this damage is caused to your rotor nuts, they do not meet the 32Ra surface finish specification that is required in most CIP and 3A applications. Without meeting the surface finish, there is a risk of not cleaning that area to the standards your customers maintain in their production facilities.

Waukesha is aware of this problem and would like to offer you the correct socket tool for removal of these rotor nuts. We have designed a socket that will not mar your rotor nut and is easy to use. We are offering these socket tools in multiple sizes. See the part number chart below to find the correct socket to meet your needs.

Waueksha Rotor Sockets

Waukesha Rotor Sockets

 Part Number Model U2 Pumps Model UL Pumps
126533+ 006, 014, 015, 018 18
126534+ 030, 034, 040 030, 034, 050, 054
126257+ 045, 060, 064, 130, 134 060, 130, 134
126535+ 180, 184, 220, 224 220
126536+ 210, 213, 214, 320, 323, 324 320
126537+ 420, 423, 520, 523 Outer 420, 520 Outer
126538+ 420, 423, 520, 523 Inner 420, 520 Inner

Please contact a Holland representative for additional information of the latest offerings at 800-800-8464.