Which C Series Pump do I have? Finding Replacement Parts for your C Series Pump
Today we’re going to take a look at one of the longest tenured sanitary pumps- the C Series pump. While previous posts on centrifugal pumps have focused on the technical advantages of the Waukesha 200 series and the APV W+ series, this post will take a step back in time and look and one of the legacy pumps of our industry- the C series. Because they’ve been around for so long, this post will take a look at a trick to identify your old C series, as well as a few other ways Holland can help support your aftermarket pump needs.
As a workhorse of many sanitary applications, it’s not uncommon to find a C series pump in service that has taken quite a beating. Often times, casings have been changed, serial numbers have vanished or been misplaced, personnel has changed, and there is little that can be done to identify an old C series pump. Is it a C114? A C216? How can you tell? Well one trick you can use if you don’t have any discernable model information is to measure the backplate. A C114 will have a 4” backplate. A C216 will have a 6” backplate. And can you guess what a C218/328 will have? That’s right, an 8” backplate.
Once you figured out what model you have, identifying spares is easy. You’ll just need to identify the elastomers (how to do that was the subject of a previous post), and figure out your seal materials. Most of the time, a description of the application will be enough to get you into the correct seal parts.
So now that you know what model you have, how do you go about getting parts? Well, regardless of whether you have a Triclover, Ampco, Topline, or Alfa Laval, Holland can supply you with replacement parts. Holland provides genuine Waukesha parts, picked up twice weekly at SPX’s Delevan facility, which are interchangeable with other manufacturers C series pumps. You read that correctly- even if you have an old Tri Clover C114, you can call us up and we will work with you to identify the correct parts. You can also download C Series parts lists as well as parts lists for all of the other Waukesha pumps we handle on our website.
And while the C series of pump has a simple, elegant design, Holland does offer pump repair for all manufacturers’ C series pump. Our trained technicians work exclusively on sanitary pumps and valves and can turn most repairs around in a couple of days. Best of all, pump evaluation is free. We’ll quickly be able to provide you with actionable information you can use to determine if you want to repair or replace your pump.
So the next time you have trouble identifying or sourcing parts for your C series pump, measure the backplate or call us and we’ll walk you through it. Once we’ve identified the pump, Holland can support all of your aftermarket C series pump needs. If you have any additional questions about any of your sanitary pumps, contact a Holland Sales Engineer today. We’re the one stop shop for all of your sanitary process needs.